
Showing posts from October, 2017


Panzerkampfwagen V "Panther"  Ausführung A , in the (in)famous Hinterhalt Tarnung . The model was primed in Grey, then base coated in Tamiya TS-3 Dunkelgelb . Next, the stripes were applied with some Warlord Games blister packaging. They were done in (all Vallejo) Luftwaffe Camo Green, and Dark Rust. Then the dot pattern was applied in German Camo Beige WW2. Decals were then applied and left to dry, before the weathering process.            Weathering was done with Citadel Nuln Oil in the recesses, a slapped-together green wash for the green patches, and a slapped-together brown wash for the brown patches. Then a bit of edge highlighting was done on corners, and black was applied to the exhaust and gun muzzle to simulate carbon buildup. After that, a bit of chipping was done with black, and tools were painted. Next, the tracks were done in Dark Rust, and were washed down with Nuln Oil, with the road wheels being painted black, then washed in the...

Tiger I

Tiger I, painted in a three-tone stripe camouflage. The stripes are Luftwaffe Camo Green and Dark Rust (Vallejo). Decals were then applied, and left to dry. The tank was then given a coat of Citadel Nuln Oil wash, with the wash left to build up in the recesses. Then, a coat of black was applied around the exhaust and barrel to simulate wear and carbon buildup. Next, the tracks were painted in Hull red, and road wheels done in Black (Vallejo). Once dry, they were given a slather with Vallejo's Light Sienna pigment. I then used the leftovers, thinned down with water, to go over particularly dirty places on the tank, including the lower glacis, side skirts, etc. Finally, accessories such as the pintle Machine Gun, and shovel were painted and highlighted, before the whole model getting a coat of Testor's Matte Varnish.