Welcome to Divisonal Maintenance Company!

Take your vehicles to the next level in a few super simple steps! I have recently bought some vehicles, sprues, and bits from a friend and member of the local Bolt Action community, and thought that his paintjobs could be enhanced with some weathering. (Plus, I had some techniques that I really wanted to try...) With more forethought than normal, and some before and after pictures, I'll break down the process I used to take the tabletop standard models to the next level with only some super simple weathering. Panzer IV. Ausf. H Before The Panzer IV already had some decals applied and had its dunkelgelb base and camo stripes applied. To start off, I took an old hobby knife and carefully scraped off the star wars Imperial decal. As much as I wish my Star Wars: Legion forces could have some armor support, I wanted to try out more battle damage, and thought that the decal would be distracting. After gently scraping it away, I took som e Vallejo Luftwaffe...