Hobby Blog 08/26/20

Been a while since I've written anything; I just want to get a few ideas off a piece of scratch paper and onto a more concrete platform. Spectre Operations - Modern Miniatures In the past month or so, I started on Spectre Miniatures' DEVGRU team, following their Multicam recipe loosely, which I think came out really well. I primed my miniatures with Krylon grey like always. I think the Vallejo Medium Grey is actually a better basecoat than the suggested Vallejo Green Grey, as it gives a better sandy/brown color, without having to make the browns more prominant in the pattern. My Multicam Mix Basecoat Vallejo 70.987 Medium Grey Paint Stripes of Citadel Waaagh Flesh, Straaken Green, Dryad Bark, and Vallejo German Camo Medium Brown Wash with Athonian Camoshade Paint stripes/splotches of Citadel Pallid Wytch Flesh Touch up/cut in some more stripes of various colors to preserve the "stripey-ness" In Modern kit, the two other prominent colors that came up were Coyote and R...