Back to the Bocage

I'm so happy to post more pictures for you guys And I'm so glad to be back! It's been a long while since I've written anything for this blog, but I've been at work on a lot of various projects. Number one among them is working on terrain for my personal board. For this, I've been working on slowly building up more and more bocage, along with a faux fur mat, roads, and a forest's worth of trees. Let me know what you think, and what else I can do to add to it! This Normandy terrain is slow-going, mainly because it's my own personal set, and I put my personal terrain set below painting and assembling miniatures and buying new armies, which is a habit I need to break. I'm trying to finish this terrain by the summer, so it'll be ready for many casual games and maybe even an appearance at a convention or two! I bought this cheap Revell model Spitfire from Hobby Lobby after Christmas when it was on sale. I think it...