Hobby -- Week 3/7-3/12

Organization After buying and setting up the new shelving unit last week, and reorganizing my hobby space, I bought some "acrylic nail polish storage racks" on Amazon to store my paints, which were getting out of control. These had a wide enough shelf to store both Vallejo, Citadel, and Tamiya paints, which were great. I'm really happy everything is now organized and I have more space to work, instead of my desk being so cluttered. Next week, I think I'll buy some lights. The new desk location has more space and access to the pegboard wall, but lacks good light for painting. I'll either pick up some Ikea desk lamps or a big garage overhead light. We'll see which is a more effective solution. Snow Bases My friend wanted a quick basing tutorial on how I did my Age of Sigmar skeletons' snow bases, so I'm going to post it here as my virtual noteboook so I remember how to do it in the future. I used Vallejo's texture paint and some large(ish) pebbles ...