"Winter changed into spring..."
Triumphant Return?
I've always wanted to try my hand at American armor. The monotony of all one color presents an interesting challenge in itself, and I think I have a lot more to learn. The model is Rubicon's Easy 8/76 (W) kit. It was the first Rubicon kit I've put together, and I think it went together quite well! Not to mention all the extra parts, options, and the lower price too!
This tank, named after my amazing dad was my first ever attempt at freehand. The writing came out alright. The star was an emergency repair after the decal ripped. D'oh!
We're WW2 wargamers: Of course we've seen Fury, and yes we all love the dirty old tanks covered in stowage. I decided to paint this up as a veteran tank that has seen the muddy, dirty horror of Spring '45.
The rear presented some challenges as to how to make this large, open area more interesting. I tried adding some washes to simulate oil & fuel stains, but it didn't come out too well. Next time, I'm going to try AK Interactive's Fuel Stains enamel paint. I've loved everything I've used from AK Interactive so far.
Target Front!

Warlord Games's StuG III G! plastic kit. I liked that I had the option for both StuG & StuH, but the classic III G always takes it. This StuG is painted up as an ace - denoted by the victory stripes on the barrel. I know it's probably not historic, but shh! I wanted to have a bit of fun.

I've always thought the loss of Schürzen made the battle-damaged tanks more realistic. Never mind that the they're supper fiddly, and I hated those damn things! I painted this up in almost the exact same way I did my Tiger II, so go check out that post for an in-depth tutorial/overview.
The Wehrmacht is always in need of good men to defend the Reich! (Please excuse the bad quality photo. My light was failing on me)
Of course these aren't ordinary men! They're StuG Riders! In the tank war tournament we played, they always did really well and were able to get a powerful force onto a revelant section of the board quick. (They're really good on outflank too!)
Sneak Preview!
I wanted something to break up the monotony of Feldgrau, and these guys are my favorite historical period. Too bad not a lot of people play ancients in my area. Stay tuned for a full painting tutorial of these guys in my next post!
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